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Taking Home Decor Cues From God's Character

I have this fairytale dream that I would have a gorgeous home with hardwood floors, lavish backsplash, and imported furnishings. Sadly, this bubble was popped as soon as I realized that I am not living through my Pinterest boards. The reality was I would soon call plain white walls, overstuffed bookshelves full of theology books and laminate countertops, home.

As I’ve flipped through the latest issue of Southern Living or HGTV magazine, I’ve sometimes wondered what the Bible says about my home and whether it says anything about how I decorate it. Because Scripture is sufficient for all aspects of my life – it actually does guide me in how I arrange my home! (If you’ve ever wondered about how completely the Bible speaks to our lives check out 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Psalm 19:7-9, 2 Corinthians 9:8, John 14:27 and 2 Peter 1:3-4.)

Every woman wants her home to be a beautiful place: a home that is welcoming, warm, and attractive to the eye. I feel like websites, such as Pinterest, have put this overwhelming pressure on what we think the home should look like. When I first signed up for a Pinterest account, I felt the addictive need to always update something, whether it was the coffee table book or refreshing my candleholders. I was playing ‘Keeping up with the Jones’s sitting in my own living room. After making multiple trips to Hobby Lobby a week, I quickly realized that Pinterest does not define beauty.

What is beauty?

The Bible reveals to us that God is the author of beauty. Therefore, beauty can only be known through knowing God. We serve a God that has masterfully created beauty and has given us an opportunity to see that beauty each day through and in His creation. In fact, we can reflect God’s character and presence in our homes when we decorate them with these three things in mind:

We serve a God of order.

We serve a God of order and not chaos. God even directed the Apostle Paul to describe Christian ministry as being something that should be done with order. First Corinthians 14:40 says, “But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner.” In the same manner our homes should exhibit order and organization. These are key components to keeping the home productive and managing the home for the work of ministry. There are a number of inexpensive options such as baskets, a planner, labels, etc. that will help your home demonstrate this characteristic of God.

Here are a few ideas: I find that a shoe caddy is the most helpful and affordable option in better organizing your home! One can be attached to the back of a hall closet door or laundry room door to hold laundry or cleaning products or even hung behind the bathroom door to store away blow dryers, hair products, etc. I absolutely love door wreaths! I have one for every month of the year. Just recently I hung an extra wreath hanger behind our office door to store our wreath collection. To store small things such as baggies, foil, wax paper, and other kitchen staple items, try attaching plastic magazine files to the inside of your kitchen cabinets with 3M Command ™ strips. Dollar stores are a huge help when organizing your home. Remember: don’t be afraid to go vertical and reinvent everyday items.

We serve a God of life.

Jesus’ ministry can be described as a life-giving ministry.

In John 11:25 He says, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies.” If you’re a Christian, you have a new life! Our homes should reflect this. Keeping things looking vibrant in your home, rather than dull and faded is a quick way to achieve the look of newness and freshness. Have you ever walked into a home and automatically felt like you aged or entered into a time warp? Holes in blankets and pillows that have lived long past their glory days reflect a message to those who enter your home.

It does not take a lot of money to take the faded items of your home and give them a bit of refreshing! Keep your same pillows as an insert and either buy fabric or make a pillow covering to throw on right over the faded ones. When my husband and I got married we were given several family recipes that meant too much to us to collect dust in an old recipe box. With a few Dollar Store frames and scrapbook paper, I framed the recipes and hung them in the kitchen as an inexpensive and cherished backsplash. You know how when you buy furniture pieces from Target or Ikea and they look like ordinary everyday pieces? Well say hello to drawer knobs and scrapbook paper! Make any piece of furniture pop buy replacing the boring knobs the box includes with a fun color or design. Hobby Lobby has a great selection and don’t forget to use that 40% off coupon! Scrapbook paper and wallpaper are inexpensive solutions to add to the backing of any bookshelf to add color and interest.

We serve a God of Ministering/Discipleship.

Every home that Jesus walked into became a place where he served and ministered. Making your home beautiful is much more than just decorating. Making your home beautiful is about sparking hospitality and creating a refuge for those who need to be ministered to. For me, there is nothing more beautiful than sipping coffee around the dining room table with fellow student wives, drawings of children’s artwork on the refrigerator door, or hosting a brunch for the women of my church in my small 700-square-foot home.

What does your home reveal to those who enter? There is a huge difference between a Dream House and a Dream Home. A dream house is built and staged to impress others. A home is built to nourish relationships, create memories, advance evangelism, and be a refuge to those who enter.

When you feel like you are slipping into Pinterest envy, pick up your Bible and be reminded of the remarkable beauty of God and His Word. Allow your home to be a witness for Christ and hub for ministry to those who enter.

From, where this post originally appeared in 2014.

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