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What's Your Word of the Year?

Flourish. Rest. Believe. Grow. What is your resolution or word for 2019?

In 1716, Jonathan Edwards penned a list of seventy “resolutions”. Unlike most New Year’s Resolutions, these were rooted in a humble desire to obey God’s Word. Edwards began each of these resolutions with the simple word “resolved…”. Resolve means to firmly set in one’s heart to do something, to follow-through with a commitment, and to decidedly move in a certain direction with the purpose of reaching the intended destination.

If you’ve ever made your own list of resolutions, you know the conundrum that takes place around February 1st. You start off well in January, but by February you’ve already started sleeping in again, skipping the gym and scrolling endlessly on your phone (been there, done that!). However, the resolutions Jonathan Edwards penned 300 years ago still speak to this day because they were written with an eternal perspective. Rather than dealing with outward behavior or the temporal, Edwards wrote straight to the heart.

In a world full of distractions and filters, there is nothing this world needs more in 2019 than to see women like you and me walk faithfully.

Though there is very little written about Enoch, he is the perfect example of a man of resolve, a man who knew the difference between walking with God and merely existing. In Genesis 5, we are introduced to Enoch and read that his father was Jared, he had sons and daughters, and his life lasted 365 years. However, the distinguishing mark comes in verse 24 where it says that he “walked with God”. This description is clearly an indication of unusual godliness and the mark or characteristic of someone who had a close and intimate relationship with God.

| Like Enoch, will you resolve in 2019 to “walk faithfully” and have such intimacy with God?

Later on in Hebrews, it states that “by faith” Enoch was taken to Heaven (11:5). Enoch was a man who believed God, walked with God, and went to be with God, which is an example for all of us to follow. Imagine, just for a minute, how difficult it must have been to walk faithfully with God during those years before the flood, when man’s wickedness and violence prevailed and only a remnant of people believed in God (Genesis 6:5). Seriously, think about it.

| Like Enoch, will you resolve to take a stand?

Not only did Enoch walk with God privately, he was light in a dark world. Enoch’s life of faith wasn’t a private thing, for he boldly announced that God would come to judge the world’s sins (Jude 14-15). Enoch’s life and witness remind us that it is possible to be faithful to God in midst of a perverse generation. I don’t want to be someone who seems like she accompanies God. I want to be a woman who walks with Him continuously. Consistently. Day and night. In public and private. Walking with God isn’t about trying harder or striving, it’s about surrender.

| What are some practical ways you can “walk faithfully”?

Study: We must love God with our heart and our minds. Sound doctrine is a critical foundation for living a godly life. Friend, it is crucial for us to saturate our minds in the truth of God’s Word. The more time we spend reading God’s Word, the more we know God’s voice. When we really know the voice of God, we can mute the things in this noisy world that distract us from standing for Truth.

Pray: Are you in constant communication with God? Let’s be honest, sitting still and quiet long enough may be difficult for us busy-bee "Martha's". In 2019, let’s make prayer a priority. Can you imagine what would happen in our churches, homes, families, and world if a generation of Jesus-loving women made prayer a priority? God moves through us, if we stay connected to Him.

Memorize + Meditate: Have you stored up His Word in your heart (Psalm 119:11)? So often, we overlook the practice and necessity of memorizing Scripture and meditation. I find it difficult to in my everyday life “set the Lord continually before me” unless I really set out to do so or intentionally plan it (Psalm 16:8). One of my favorite things to do is write Scripture on the walls and areas of our home using art prints, chalkboards, kitchen towels, etc. Too organized or permanent for you? Try using sticky notes. These allow you to quickly and easily jot down the verse you are memorizing and place them in your everyday view (bathroom mirror, office desk, car [hello, carpool line!], kitchen, nursery changing table, etc.).

Gather: Do you like spending time with other sisters in Christ? What about your church family? Scripture is very clear that we should not neglect the meeting together (Hebrews 10:25). How are you with encouraging one another in the Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:11)? Gathering, eating, praying, and studying the Word of God with each other – these are all good things. Gathering is vital to your spiritual maturity and health of your local church. Find a healthy, New Testament church in your community. Need help finding one? Send me a message on social media or via the contact page and I can help steer you in the right direction. Already attend a great, text-driven local church? Contact your Pastor or staff member and ask how you can help serve them. This means more to them than you will ever know.

Share: There is one thing that the thirsty world out there needs – Jesus. Being a nice person who goes to church has never saved a person. We must use our words. We must share the good news with them. We must intentianally give a dark and thirsty world the only thing that satisfies and quenches that longing. Does this absolutely freak you out? Visit for resources on how to share the gospel. [1]

[1] Have I mentioned that I have talented, Jesus-loving friends? My good friend Sharayah Colter created The Greatest News as an evangelism tool. The Greatest News is a website that explains the gospel in clear and simple terms, provides resources such as a Bible or local Church finder in your area, and you can also order additional tools and resources.

This post originally appeared on

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