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Fashion Basics + Practical Tips

We have all had those mornings where we drag our feet as we make our way to our closet, throw our hands in the air, and shout out “I have nothing to wear!” Let’s be honest, our morning routine can be halted and thrown off in an instant by hair that just doesn’t seem to curl the right way, clothing that looks outdated and a body we wish looked different than the mirror tells us.

The decision of what we wear often affects the way we feel for the rest of the day. Whether you are a fashionista or you hate shopping, every single woman has to get dressed. The reason we struggle with our image is because we have been taught what beauty and fashion is from a world seeking fulfillment in every place but Jesus. As we chase after a beauty that is not God-centered, we are left feeling like we are never enough, spending money on things that won’t last, and living out of envy and discontentment. At the cross, Christ traded our imperfections for His perfection. Instead of chasing perfect, which is an endless pursuit, we can now chase Jesus. The gospel sets the stage for our freedom, even in our clothing. But how does this affect real life? How does this impact the moment you are faced with the “I have nothing to wear” mornings?

Keep It Simple

Too many choices can often overcomplicate the process of getting ready in the morning. Simplifying your closet to things that complement each other and highlight your best features will make your decisions a lot easier in the mornings.

When you look in your closet, is it full of disjointed pieces of clothing? Does very few things match or coordinate well together? Do you hold on to things that don’t fit well and are being held with the “one day I might fit into this again” or “one day this might come back in style” mentality? While it is true that fashion goes in cycles, keeping every piece of clothing isn’t practical and actually hurts your ability to make good decisions and dress well. Having too many things becomes too complicated and adds up to a confused closet and a frustrated woman. Simplifying your closet by getting rid of excess is not only a wise use of possessions, space, and money; it will also save you time as you get ready each day to focus on the most important things rather than trying to pair together an outfit.

  • Begin this simplifying process by creating three piles: keep, toss, and donate. Go through each individual piece of clothing – each piece of clothing should find itself in one of these three piles. The keep pile is for those staple pieces and clothes items that without a doubt you love and wear. The donate piles are for those items that you do not wear, however they are still in good condition and can be donated and recycled. Toss is the obvious. These are clothes items that have seen better days and need to retire.

  • At the end of each season, go through your closet and move every article of clothing that you didn’t wear to the very back. Then pull out the pieces of clothing you naturally gravitated towards. Most likely, the clothing you didn’t wear never made you feel confident, didn’t fit just right, or is out of date. Get rid of these pieces (donate or toss pile). I know it is hard to let go of those articles of clothing that you hope might one day fit or those items that hold sentimental value. But know that the freedom you will have when your closet is only full of items that fit well or that you love can make the process of getting dressed so much more enjoyable.

  • If the price tag is still on it, it shouldn’t be in your closet. We all have those impulse buys sitting on our shelves or folded in our drawers. Even if it was a great bargain, if you aren’t wearing it or it doesn’t fit well, it needs to go. To prevent these kind of impulse purchases later, take your time making decisions. Stores want us to buy right away and make us feel the need to purchase things quickly. Walk away first. Wait a few days to purchase to make sure you truly will wear the clothing you have been eyeing. If you go home and find a few ways it can be worn, then it is a good purchase. If you forget about it immediately, you’ve saved yourself some money!

  • When you purchase something new, get rid of the old. This will keep your closet streamlined and will help keep your wardrobe up to date and fresh. If you have articles of clothing that have barely been worn, try reselling them to get back some money to go toward updated items (hello Clothes Mentor and Plato’s). This will save you money as well as make your husband happy!

Capsule Wardrobe 101

Once you have gone through your closet and gotten rid of the excess and items that are rarely worn, it is time to start adding in staple pieces into your wardrobe that are classic, timeless, and multi-purpose. Capsule wardrobe is a term that was coined by Susie Faux, the owner of a London boutique in the 1970s. According to Faux, a capsule wardrobe is a collection of a few essential items of clothing that don't go out of style, which can then be partnered with seasonal pieces. This idea was popularized by American designer Donna Karan, who, in 1985, released an influential capsule collection of seven interchangeable work-wear pieces. The term is widely used in the British and American fashion industry and has come to refer to a collection of clothing that is composed of interchangeable items only, to maximize the number of outfits that can be created. The aim is to have an outfit suitable for any occasion without owning excessive items of clothing. This is usually achieved by buying what are considered to be staple pieces in coordinating colors in order to be interchangeable. Below are some classic pieces that will help you achieve a capsule wardrobe:

  • Denim Jacket: Having a denim jacket in your closet is a great layering piece for tops and dresses that need a little bit more coverage. I love to update the look of a denim jacket by cuffing the sleeves instead of wearing them straight.

  • Dark Skinny Jeans: Darker bottoms are slimming on all women, no matter your pant size. By skinny jeans, I am referring to a jean that has a tapered, narrow bottom. The dark wash allows you to dress them down or dressy when paired with a blouse for date night.

  • Grey is the New Neutral: A great neutral that works well with any body type is grey. It works as a foundation for other colors to be layered for a cohesive look.

  • Basic Tees and Blouses: If you were to look in my closet, there would be no doubt how much I love basic tees and solid color blouses. I love the practicality and the various combinations they allow my wardrobe to have. Purchase tees that fit well and can be layered with jackets, cardigans, blazers, etc. Then add color and interest using scarves and accessories (I absolutely love statement necklaces). It is worth investing in a nicer tee that won't look worn after a few washes.

  • Accessories: A simple outfit can be completely updated and transformed with a statement necklace, earrings, or scarf (see above). An infinity scarf is one of the simplest way to update an outfit and they are super easy and light. One thing to remember about accessories, there are a lot of affordable options that don’t have to break the bank (Charming Charlie is a favorite of mine).

  • Neutral Pair of Shoes: Every woman should invest in one pair of shoes that are comfortable and can be worn with most outfits. I have a pair of neutral sand colored sandals I literally where four times a week. They are great because they go with everything. Because I enjoy keeping things simple, I also have a neutral pair of flats and wedges.

  • Black Dress: It is always a good idea to have a black dress on hand for various occasions. Find one that is simple and classic. I also suggest getting a solid navy dress. Navy is timeless and perfect year round as well.

  • Blazer: Blazers are a capsule piece that can be paired with a dress, dress pants, skirts, and even jeans. It can take your looks from casual to business appropriate for any special occasion. You can usually find a good quality blazer at a more affordable price right before springtime.

Shopping 101

I can remember a time when I just got frustrated every time I walked into a store. It would literally take only 5 minutes before I would give up and walk right out empty handed. Since then, I have created a game plan to help ease the shopping stress and headache. Some of my shopping tips are:

  • Bye-Bye Size: Every company sizes their clothing differently. When you are wearing the right size, you will feel more confident and actually look more put together. Don't be bound by a certain size, focus on fit.

  • Coordinate Outfits: My phrase for this tip is “4 for every 1”. For every one hanger (one piece of clothing) there should be at least four outfit possibilities. If you look at an item in the store and can only picture it one or two ways, I would look for another option. When you purchase new clothing, stick to a similar color palette. Not only will this save you money, it also allows your pieces of clothing to be mixed and matched. This in return provides you with more outfit options and makes it easier to pair things together in the morning if everything coordinates well together. I tend to stick with black, navy, and white – a very classic pallet. Warning: you do have to add accessories in order to keep this pallet fun and less boring or professional.

  • Try It On: I know you have heard this before. I also know how horrible it is to try on clothes. Whether you are in a rush, feeling lazy, or just ate a big meal – try it on! Some of my most favorite pieces in my closet I never would have purchased if I hadn’t tried them on. Remember to keep an open mind and reach out of your normal taste and comfort zone.

  • Splurge or Save: A huge portion of the shopping experience is knowing when you should save or splurge on an item. First, it is a good idea to give yourself a budget before you even walk into a store. Second, every time I go shopping, I try to have a purpose or mission for that day. What am I looking for? What do I need? I have learned that if I don’t have a clear mission, I tend to purchase items that I don’t love. I just purchase them because they have a bright red clearance sticker on them. However, there are times I make a healthy budget and I find a piece/pieces that are of such great quality that go over my budget. For example, my navy blazer is one of my most treasured pieces in my closet. I literally wore it every other day when I lived in Texas. Not going in too much detail, it was about $50 over my original budget I made for finding a blazer. However, the quality of my Ralph Lauren blazer has proved to be a worthy and wise investment to this day. I have had it for almost three years and it looks brand new.

  • Quality over Quantity: I am the cheapest person there is and I absolutely love a good deal. Meaning, the very first thing I do after I fall in love with a piece of clothing is find the price tag. My husband on the other hand does not look at price tags until he has tried the item on and determined an opinion about the item in question. I have recently taken his approach and have stopped looking at the tags for a few reasons. First, if I see that a shirt is only $6 on clearance I am going to want it, even if I am not completely in love with it. Secondly, if I see that a shirt is $50, I usually do not even consider it. From these new changes I have made, I have realized that I purchase a few items that are of great quality and that I love over a number of items that I kind of like and force myself to work with. Note to self: quality over quantity.

Take some time this weekend to put these tips into practice. Go through your closet, try on items, make your three piles, throw the size out the window, and shop with a mission. Have you already adopted these tips into your routine? I would love to know your thoughts on shopping, practical tips for getting dressed, and modesty. Join the conversation by using #jpblogfashionweek or commenting on this post through Instagram or Facebook.

I will be on Facebook Live this afternoon at 2pm EDT chatting about practical fashion tips and sharing some of my favorite pieces in my capsule wardrobe! Hope you will join me there!



Today, we are teaming up with Marque' Modest Apparel to give away one of their blouses. Who doesn't love a new blouse that is not only fashionable, but modest? Below you can find out how you can enter today's giveaway! Be sure to go back and read yesterday's post on how you can win jewelry from Life Beads!

Winners for both giveaways will be announced Friday at 8pm EDT.

To enter the giveaway:

picture c/o Marque' Modest Apparel

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