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A couple weeks ago, I asked my friends on Instagram to send me some questions to answer. Let me tell you - this was way more fun than anticipated. I just might make this a monthly thing. I received so many great questions ranging from personal life and random questions to ministry and questions about Scripture. So, let's get this party started.

What is your favorite thing about being a pastors wife? Honestly, getting a front row seat to God at work in peoples lives, sometimes in ways that will never be "public." People will never know the marriages that have been restored in private counseling sessions or remarkable healing and restoration that have occurred in the middle of the night. These are big wins.

Also, seeing my husband do what he was created/called to do (all the happy tears).

What is the best marriage advice you were ever given? Believe relentlessly that the kingdom of God is better off with you two united. Also, never go to bed upset.

Advice for a church planters wife? Church planting happens one relationship at a time. It will feel extremely slow, but this is actually a gift. This allows you to make real life-giving connections with the people you are called to serve with. As the church grows, those relationships that were formed in the very beginning are crucial. Those are my favorites still to this day. The relationships I have with the "original crew."

I would like to hear your thoughts on Romans 12:1-2. Can you share? These two verse mark the change in the letter from doctrinal instruction to practical application. In this passage, Paul is urging believers to respond with total commitment to God. Because of all that God has done for them through Jesus, our only response should be to willingly "present ourselves as a living sacrifice to God" (v.1). In verse 2, we are told that we should not be "conformed (shaped by, living after the pattern of) by this world," which opposes God. Instead, as believers, we are to "be transformed (changed in form) by the renewing of your mind." This change should be radical, working from the inside outward. Believers should not act or think like unbelievers. As believers, we are constantly and continually renewing our our minds by the Holy Spirit.

How do you find a mentor as a pastors wife? Pray for God to open a door.

Favorite Bible? Devotional? I may be a little bias. But, I had the incredible privilege of contributing to both the Devotional for Women and the Devotional for Women: Psalms and Proverbs. These two devotionals are my favorite for a couple of reasons. Whereas many daily devotionals offer encouragement for the heart in a watered down thought, these two offer encouragement as well as biblical exposition all in a user friendly, quick read format. This is the very best way to walk through scripture.

Favorite Bible is a tough one. I am kind of a Bible collector. I use different Bibles for various reasons and study. I really enjoy the Study Bible for Women. But, I love to teach out of the ESV Verse-by-Verse Reference Bible. Having the verse structure align, make it easy to quickly/seamlessly find and follow along with my lesson. I also enjoy the ESV Heirloom Bibles. These are a little more costly, but if you are looking for a nice, well-made everyday Bible, this is worth the investment.

Why do you love Disney so much? As a senior pastors wife of a church with two locations, you are constantly on call 24/7 and pouring out so much of yourself on a daily basis. We love Disney because of their out-of-this-world hospitality. When we go, we do not have to lift a finger. It is nice to know that the level of professionalism and standard of service by which they operate, is taking care of us so that we can come home and continue to care for those we are called to serve.

How often do you and your husband go to Disney? We go to Disney for rest. There are particular times in our schedule (especially in busy ministry seasons) where we have built in 3-day weekends. For example, he has off Fridays. So, we will leave Thursday and be at Disney Thursday-Saturday night and back home before church on Sunday. My advice to you, especially if you are in ministry, would be to find a location within 3 hours of where you live (we can get to Orlando in 2 hours and 30 minutes). Having this mini escape is something that we look forward to.

How do you get through seasons of discouragement in ministry? Look for even the smallest "wins" or how God is at work. Write them down and save them. Believe me, there are some days you will want to pull that list out and re-read/cry over that list and reflect on how merciful and how good God is.

What is the best way for you and your husband to spend quality time together? Honestly, we are always together. We don't believe in separating "ministry time" from "family time". What I mean by that is if he has a hospital visit, I am right there with him. We enjoy serving together. If we have to make a Sam's club run or do something for the church, we make it a date. We will grab an ice cream on the way or dinner on the way back. We think of easy, creative ways to make the mundane, everyday tasks a date oppourtunity. We also enjoy walking together. This allows us to lay aside our phones and other distractions and spend a good amount of time talking, dreaming, praying, and connecting with each other at the end of a long day.

How long have you and your husband known each other? We are high school sweethearts, kind of. We started dating in July 2009, it was the summer before my senior year and Tim had just finished his freshman year of college. After dating for 3 years, we got engaged in November 2011 and married in June 2012. I can't believe we celebrate TEN YEARS this July. Seems like yesterday we were just babies.

How many churches have you served at? Tim served at churches before we knew each other, so I will share only the ones we have served at together. He was an interim pastor for one year a church in North Texas while we were dating and while I was finishing up high school (2010 Trinity Baptist Church). He was a youth pastor at another church in Texas when we were dating/engaged (2010-2012 Friendship Baptist Church). Then, he was pastor at a church while we were in Seminary (2013-2015 Hopewell Baptist Church). We have nothing but great memories of Hopewell. These were some of the sweetest servants. After we graduated in May 2015 from Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, we moved to southwest Florida for Tim to become the senior pastor of Fellowship Church Immokalee (2015). We then planted Fellowship Church Ave Maria (2017).

What is your favorite passage of Scripture? So many to choose from. But, I think I would go with John 4.

Go-to outfit? Jeans and a tee.

What is your go-to Starbucks drink? I am pretty simple and easy in a lot of things. One of which, is my coffee order. I enjoy a classic Cafe Mocha.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Is this even a question - Disney World of course!


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