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Seasons of Mourning

Are you mourning something right now?

Maybe you are mourning the loss of a loved one, the end of an incredible season in your life, or even mourning a season of life that you have always longed for, that just still hasn’t come - we have all been there. And we serve a God who intimately knows us, sees us, loves us, and meets us there.

I was talking with a woman this week that is right here. In mourning. Without getting in much details, this is what I said to her:

In Lamentations, we see the entire nation of Israel lamenting (mourning) over the devastation that accompanied the Babylonian invasion.

In Psalms, we see David, a man after God’s own heart, weep and mourn over suffering and personal sin (Bathsheba) as he cries out to God.

In the Garden of Gathsemane, we see Jesus sweat blood and cry out to His Father before making His journey to the cross.

You see, we serve a God fully aware with suffering. Not only do we serve a God who promises His presence in the midst of it, but he also understands our pain as fully as we do (Isaiah 53:3). Friend, don’t lose heart. Keep running the race, fixing your eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-3). As believers, we don’t grieve a part from a future hope and an eternal perspective. One day, our mourning on this side of heaven will come to an end (Revelation 21:4). What a future reality to consider in the midst of our present reality today.


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