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Ice Cream Sundae Bar


Ice cream is one of life’s greatest indulgences – and the only way to really improve upon it is with an array of well thought out toppings. I love creating an entire dessert spread that people can enjoy and have fun creating their own individual dessert with. An ice cream sundae bar is my go-to when summer roles around and is super simple to accomplish when hosting a large group of people. I hope this post inspires you to have your friends over for an ice cream sundae party soon!

Topping Suggestions:

Dips/Syrups {chocolate syrup, strawberry syrup, caramel dip}

Whipped Cream

Fruit {cherries, strawberries, kiwi, etc.}

Candy {gummy bears, Reece’s pieces, chocolate chips, M&M’s, etc.}


Cookies {Oreo’s, chocolate chip cookie crumbs, etc.}

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