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Rest in John

Diving head first into studying John 6 today and this whole idea of rest and striving.

Here, in this one chapter, we see Jesus provide for the five thousand and walk on water. Both of these miracles taught the twelve and His followers that they could stop.

They could be still. Quit striving. Quit wearing themselves out. They couldn’t measure up. They couldn’t do anything in their own power. Not with their resources alone. Only His.

The book of John is so rich. From Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding using religious jars in John 2. To Jesus having an encounter like no other in John 4 - transforming a woman thirsty for everything but Jesus to a woman on fire + sharing the gospel.

What are you afraid of? What is wearing you out?

Friends, go read the book of John and see that Jesus is better. Better than this temporary home. Find rest in John.

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